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Become a highly-paid copywriter

Master the art of persuasion and become a rain-maker for businesses.

As Seen In

Pakistan's First-Ever Copywriting Programs

Turn your words into money printing machines for your clients and yourself. Dive deep into the art of copywriting with our in-depth copywriting programs.

The Ultimate Copywriting Workshop

Quick 5- hour workshop that you can consume in a day and get started with your career.

The 6-Figure Copywriter

Flagship 2 month copywriting training that helps you fully immerse into the world of copywriting.

About Me

Hey! My name’s Shahzad Khan.

I happen to be Pakistan’s only award-winning copywriter with $12 million in sales for my clients.

Earlier this year, I was listed as the top 10 copywriters in the world on Fiverr and 18th most popular copywriter in the world.

And now, I’m sharing my knowledge and years of experience with you, so you don’t have to struggle and figure things out on your own.

Be a Top Rated
Copywriter Like Me

Build and grow a successful digital product business faster by implementing powerful, battle-tested frameworks.

Top Rated

We have won over hundred thousands of clubs

Top Rated

We have won over hundred thousands of clubs

Get my Course & E-Book About
Copywriting For Free

Get my Course & E-Book About Copywriting For Free

Build and grow a successful digital product business faster by
implementing powerful, battle-tested frameworks.


We have won over hundred thousands of clubs


We have Completed over 2,500 Projects Last year.


We have over 7M+ Sales in Last Year.


We are in over 96% Success Rate across the Platform


We have over 450 Project Last weeks

We Walk the Talk

With a same single goal in mind – sell value over time.

Unveiling the first-of-its-kind Ultimate Copywriting Handbook in Pakistan

It will help you get the basics right, share examples of good copy, teach you how to write copy and how to start hunting clients…

Read Before Starting Out As A Copywriter…

  • Understanding the basics of copywriting
  • All you need to know about copywriting pioneers
  • Examples of good copy
  • How copywriters get paid
  • Copywriting Glossary

Yes! Please Send Me the FREE Copywriting Handbook…

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Frequently Ask Questions

In this course, you will get a complete road map that will set you free from soul-sucking 9-5 jobs

Yes! Once you join, you get the workshop for the lifetime. You will be given a special portal where you can consume the workshop at any time.

You will be given a special portal where you can consume the workshop at any time.
This is a pre-recorded workshop where you can watch it wherever you can give the time.
Yes, I will be there to help you, answer your queries, and give feedback on your assignments.
Yes, You are added to a special community where you can interact and engage with other members and Shahzad.